Top 10 Arrma Granite Upgrades You Should Add NOW!

Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, Arrma Granite Upgrades are some of the easiest parts to add to your RC car. But which parts and which upgrades?

If you’re familiar with Arrma RC cars, you know that the Arrma Granite is one of the legendary RC cars in terms of handling and performance.

By adding more upgrades, the Arrma Granite will become an RC beast that is hard to beat!

But, what are the best Arrma Granite Upgrades that you can add?

This is what you’ll know in this article!

Let’s get started in the next few lines…

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Shocks: Great Arrma Granite Upgrades

We all know that the Arrma Granite is a good jumper and can do high flies, but landing can be hard sometimes! Am I right?

But thanks to the shocks and suspension system in general, you can land safely with no problem as long as the landing is made correctly.

However, if you have a bad landing, there is a big probability that you’re going to destroy something in the shocks, they’re most likely to pop off!

This is why; to increase the handling and avoid all this headache, you better replace them with Aluminum Big Bore shocks.

These shocks are so powerful, in fact, after replacing them, you’ll forget something called “shock problems”.

Additionally, they come in different colors to help you customize your chassis.

There are also the Pro-Line shocks which are more powerful.

Click the button below if you would like to check them out:

Read Also: Top 10 Arrma Kraton 6s Upgrades You Should Have Right NOW!

The Turnbuckles

If you don’t know what turnbuckles are, here is a small overview. The turnbuckles are the parts responsible for turning the wheels left and right which is steering as well as some other missions.

This task requires that the turnbuckles should be placed in a sensitive area near the shocks and the suspension arms where there is no real protection in case of a crash.

This crash isn’t necessarily going against something, a bad landing can affect and break those turnbuckles.

This is why they are oms of the important Arrma Granite Upgrades to have. Without these parts, you can’t control the steering of your RC car.

As a replacement for that, Aluminum ones will be a great fit to handle all the pressure and the crashes with no problems.

They also come in different colors to help you customize your RC car.

These Arrma Granite Upgrades will make your performance increase as well as handling.

Check them out by clicking the button below:

Read Also: Top 10 Arrma Big Rock Upgrades You MUST Add Right NOW!


Tires are not only some of the best Arrma Granite Upgrades but the best for all RC cars. These rubber parts have an enormous role in increasing performance especially when it comes to grip.

Some tires can be blown out quickly with some bashing and some acceleration while others can be great at bashing but not that good for racing.

The original Arrma Granite tires, look good and do a great job, however, there is always a better alternative if you want better performance!

It’s the pro-line tires that are well known for their greatness.

Check them out by clicking the link below:

Read Also: Top 10 Arrma Mojave Upgrades You Should Have Now!

Skid Plate

The Arma Granite indeed has a high ground clearance which allows it to overcome all the obstacles on the way.

However, as long as you’re bashing, there is no way you won’t hurt the chassis whether passing over a big rock or jumping so high that the landing will make the RC car touch the ground and hurt the chassis.

The Skid plate in this case is considered one of the best Arrma Granite Upgrades you should have for your RC car to prevent any of these issues.

This skid plate is made of metal which is so hard and can handle all the cases we mentioned above.

It is so easy to install and comes with screws. It may add some weight to your RC car but this doesn’t matter as long as it won’t get cracked after that.

Check out the skid plate by clicking the button below:

Read Also: Top 10 Arrma Felony Upgrades You Should Buy NOW!


Bashing and off-road need a lot of power, power of the motor, power of the tires, as well as the power of steering.

Without a powerful steering servo, you won’t be able to get the full potential of your RC car.

The stock servo of the Arrma Granite does a great job, however, it won’t last that much under that big pressure.

the deeper the ground you’re driving on like sand, the more power your RC car needs to change directions and be as responsive as possible when you order it too!

For this reason, one of the incredible Arrma Granite Upgrades is adding a powerful servo.

Here s the best servo we chose for you, check it out by clicking the button below:

Read Also: Top 10 Arrma RC Cars You Should Buy NOW! (Beginner Friendly)

Suspension Arms

The shocks are based on the suspension Arms, these are the parts that connect the body with the wheels and the shocks. And they are placed under the shocks just like the turnbuckles.

As you know, and as mentioned earlier, this place is so dangerous and requires so much handling for the pressure existing there.

The suspension arms play a big role in this and without them, the whole suspension system can’t work!

For this matter, adding Aluminum suspension arms will be useful for Arrma Granite Upgrades, they will help increase the handling as well as the performance, and they have longer lives than the stock arms!

These aluminum Arrma Granite Upgrades come in so many colors as well to allow you to choose what you want for customizing your RC car.

Check out those Arrma Granite Upgrades by clicking the button below:

Read Also: Arrma Vorteks VS Granite Full Comparison. Which is Better For You?

Light Kit

Some of the easiest Arrma Granite Upgrades are having a light kit for your RC car.

Having a light will put your RC car at an advantage in front of your peers.

Also, you’ll have better vision at night which is the greatest thing you can do with an RC car: It’s playing during the night!

To install a light kit, you don’t need to be a scientist you can be a beginner and still be able to do that.

the higher the quality of the light kit, the better your RC car will look.

Check out this light kit we chose for you by clicking the button below:

Read Also: Top 10 Arrma Infraction Upgrades You Should Have Right NOW!

Arrma Granite Body: One of the Easiest Arrma Granite Upgrades

Did you know that the Arma Granite comes with so many types and styles of bodies?

You can have a variety of different bodies in your garage and change them every time you want to.

And believe me, each time you change your body, you’ll have a new spirit to play with your RC car.

Other than that, the body is one of the easiest Arrma Granite Upgrades to add. It’s quick and simple.

You can choose whatever body you want by clicking the button below:

Read Also: 10 Arrma Typhon 3s Upgrades You Should Have Right Now!

Body Mount

The body mount doesn’t have only one role, it has so many important roles. It is the center of a lot of other parts that connect to it.

This is why it is considered one of the most important Arrma Granite Upgrades.

This part is holding the body, the shocks as well as other parts!

It does come with plastic in the stock version, but, you can still upgrade it to Aluminum which is better for handling.

Check it out by clicking the button below:

Read Also: Arrma Granite VS Big Rock Full Comparison. Which One Is Better For You?


Some people may not consider these as Arrma Granite Upgrades, but still, they are!

Sometimes the body clips get lost, and to avoid that, you better have dozens of them in your garage in order not to stumble your playing and fun time.

The clips for beginners, the clips can be put in easily just like the stock clips that come with the body.

So, you don’t have anything to worry about.

Also, they have a standard size that fits all the Arrma RC cars, so, you don’t need to confuse.

Check them out by clicking the button below:


After listing all these parts and upgrades, which one is your favorite, and do you think you will buy it first?

Would you buy all of them? Which one would you choose?

I would love to see your reply in the comments below!

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